Our Work

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Accelerating vinyl record production using revenue operations + HubSpot

How Inflectiv helps record press producer Viryl level up.

Viryl Logo

As a leading manufacturer of industrial vinyl pressing machines for the music business, Viryl had a complex and manual sales, onboarding, and aftersales process. A lot of Viryl’s time and effort went into managing inbound leads and tracking customer readiness, ultimately impacting customer fulfillment schedules.

Inflectiv was engaged in two phases. First, its team captured and analyzed the entire customer journey and recommended improvements. Then the team implemented HubSpot and configured it to the business’ unique needs, training the Viryl team to use it effectively.

Now Viryl’s operations and sales team have greater visibility into their leads and customers, capture more data, and use automations across customer touchpoints. Viryl’s deal and delivery velocity time has reduced significantly since they began using HubSpot.