Our Thinking

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Turn your bottlenecks into champagne


  |  Published: March 16, 2025

Pop the cork on operational improvements to get things flowing.

That was a takeaway from my fave pop business podcast The Best One Yet about a recent innovation by a major quick service restaurant (QSR) chain.

This company was known for efficiency.

It already had a high volume drivethru, but they still couldn’t get orders to waiting customers fast enough.

It invested resources to look across the entire customer experience.

The QSR even had aerial surveillance of incoming traffic patterns!

Ultimately, they realized there weren’t enough deep fryers at certain locations. This insight helped them plug a bottleneck in their process to keep things running smoothly.

There are thousands of bottlenecks that companies need to deal with.

The good news?

With some effort, you can pop the cork.

Here are two that we’ve worked on at Inflectiv:

Bottleneck:  Slow, manual lead intake process

Inbound requests weren’t effectively triaged. Not enough prospects get through to the right person, and the team was bogged down with calls and manual follow-up.


A new HubSpot solution – including improved forms, better data, automation and notifications – more than doubled response time for their most qualified prospects.

Bottleneck: Customer issues not addressed effectively

Customer issues, questions, feedback weren’t effectively addressed by this manufacturer. Most inquiries were logged in long email chains with no effective process to address them, hold people accountable, and measure the impact on the bottom line.


A ticketing solution changed things very quickly. The team had already used HubSpot as its source of truth for sales data, so adding tickets and new properties improved visibility, response times and overall resolutions.