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Pro tip: Auto-Deal creation in HubSpot


  |  Published: October 6, 2023

Might your company be creating Deals in HubSpot too soon?

HubSpot users: do you automatically create a new Deal whenever someone downloads a resource, requests a demo, or submits an inquiry?

We see this a lot.

Companies typically do this to ensure these leads are tracked and their sales teams prioritizes them.

But in most cases, we respectfully recommend you *don’t* do that. Why?

  • Auto-deal creation artificially increases your pipeline data with contacts who are not necessarily ready to buy.
  • This ends up causing bloat, keeping many leads stuck in the pipeline for ages. You’ll eventually have to move a lot of people to Closed Lost.
  • It skews your data and makes it harder to track your actual sales process and actual lead management / nurture process.

Thanks to some new features that HubSpot has rolled out, now is the perfect time to stop auto-creating deals until we know the prospects are ready to buy.

Here’s how:


Start by clearly defining what constitutes a Lead, Marketing Qualified Lead, and Sales Qualified Lead in Lifecycle stages. Don’t overcomplicate it to start.


Be sure the criteria for deal creation (e.g. BANT) is also clear.


Use the Lead Status property to track specific actions and stages, such as “Making 1st contact.”

Use the Lead Status property to track specific actions and stages, such as “Making 1st contact.”

Once that’s done, you’re better able to track where each lead is in the process and identify the right strategy to move them along.

Be sure to check out HubSpot’s new prospecting workspace that makes it much easier to find and work your leads.