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HubSpotting: New and notable in HubSpot, August 2024


  |  Published: August 19, 2024

Here are HubSpot’s top 5 new features and updates to help you get the most out of your subscription in August 2024.

Sharing five new HubSpot updates you might want to check out. Most come at no additional cost to subscribers!


Workflows health tab. (Professional and Enterprise) It’s a horrible feeling to come across a workflow that hasn’t been performing the way it should – and it’s been like that for weeks or months. Now you can easily go through to find out which workflows have issues, if there are redundant workflows, and which workflows aren’t being used. (details)


Stage tracker and Allbound timeline cards (all) – HubSpot is making it easier to glance and edit key data from where you are. The Stage Tracker (details) enables you to see up to four key properties on other objects, so you don’t have to switch back and forth as much between Contacts, Companies, Deals and Tickets.  The Allbound timeline card enables you to easily see engagement levels and activities without having to switch or scroll for miles. (details)


Meeting Assistant (Sales Pro and up) – Ever wanted a quick shot of context before a meeting? That’s what Meeting Assistant does, surfacing the key details that will help you in your conversation, including past meeting and follow-up information. (details)


Marking form submissions as spam (all) – Spam form submissions are a big issue for many companies, and no one wants to miss a real lead. Now HubSpot enables you to filter by trusted domains, and designate certain domains as spam that will halt future submissions from getting through. (details)


User Out of Office for Inbox and Help desk (Sales and Service pro and up) – Now reps have greater ability to set an out of office, ensuring conversations or tickets will only go to the reps who are in at work in the correct timezone. A small but mighty update for CS teams! (details)

These are only five out of dozens of enhancements rolled out last month.

For full details on new enhancements from HubSpot, check out these links:

Want to discuss how you can get the most out of HubSpot? Contact us today.