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HubSpotting: New and notable in HubSpot, July 2024


  |  Published: July 20, 2024

Here are HubSpot’s top 5 new features and updates to help you get the most out of your subscription in July 2024.

We interrupt your summer to share several new HubSpot updates that you should consider evaluating – most come at no additional cost to subscribers!


HIPAA support and enhanced sensitive data tools. (Enterprise) Many companies, especially those working in healthcare in the U.S., must ensure they follow regulatory guidelines to protect customer information. Audit logs, new security layers and authorization make it easier for companies to manage compliance. (details) 


Perform Company search on CRM records (Beta, all) – Access AI-powered company summaries right on your Company record page to give your team more context when researching or engaging with this Company. (details)


Automation Public API (Beta, Pro and up) – Many companies rely on complex automations to power their operations. Now HubSpot has enabled developers to access APIs, making it easier to copy workflows from one portal to another and manage them at scale. (details)


New statistic card on CRM records (all) – HubSpot continues to evolve what users can access in the middle column with this update. Now you can bring pipeline or ticket metrics into every CRM record, keeping the end goal front of mind as reps do their day-to-day work. (details)


Sync Teams webinars with HubSpot (all HubSpot tiers, requires MS subscription) – As Teams usage becomes more widespread, now you can use the integration to track webinar information like registrants, attendees and cancellations, event name, date, and more. (Details)

These are only five out of dozens of enhancements rolled out last month.

For full details on new enhancements from HubSpot, check out these links:

Want to discuss how you can get the most out of HubSpot? Contact us today.